Bottle Sterilizer For Baby India

Bottle Sterilizer For Baby

A young child’s immune system is much weaker than that of older children and adults, so they become infected and catch diseases very quickly. Your baby’s delicate digestive system and immune system can be protected from infecting bacteria by using a bottle sterilizer. By the time your baby is 12 months old, it is very important to sterilize all his equipment, which will result in increased immunity and reduce the risk of infection in him.

Using bottle sterilizer for baby will prove to be very beneficial as long as your baby uses the bottle. A sterilized milk bottle removes many germs and impurities, even small impurities in breastmilk.

When Is Sterilization Needed?

Sterilizing bottles is a little different, better and more modern than the simple and usual practice of cleaning. It gives more protection from germs. Electric or steam sterilizers running in the market today are the best and they ensure that they completely eliminate all types of bacteria and impurities. Here are some common ailments that the bottle sterilizer makes a big contribution to eliminating.

  1. Food poisoning
  2. Diarrhea
  3. Hepatitis A
  4. Vomiting
  5. Rotavirus
  6. Stomach Flu

A bottle sterilizer for baby purchased for the first time needs to be sterilized at least once before use. Since you don’t know where these bottles went before packaging or who touched them, sterilizing them will ensure that they are not harmful to your baby in the slightest.

Bottle Sterilizer For Baby

Here are some examples to give you an idea of ​​when to sterilize a bottle- 

  • If you are using a borrowed or second hand bottle sterilizer for baby, be aware that it will not be completely clean. Second hand sterilizing bottles are available in some shops in the market or you may have borrowed them from a friend. In such a situation, it becomes very important that you sterilize that bottle well before using it. These bottles can also be of elder siblings of children.
  • If your child has fallen ill, you would definitely want him to get well as soon as possible. And the last thing you would want to do would be to use unclean bottles, which prevent the child from coming out of the infection and getting more sick. If you have the slightest suspicion of germs or bacteria on your baby’s bottles, it is best to sterilize them.
  • If the baby is premature or has a disease since birth, then sterilization becomes essential in such a situation. Due to sterilization, the immunity of the child also increases.
Fisher-Price Steam Max 6 Bottle SterilizerCheck Out On Amazon
Baybee 5 in 1 Baby Bottle Warmer & Sterilizer Check Out On Amazon
LuvLap Royal Electric Steam Sterilizer Check Out On Amazon
Trumom USA Electric Steam Sterilizer Check Out On Amazon
LuvLap Elegant 4-in-1 Electric Steam SterilizerCheck Out On Amazon

How Regularly To Sterilize A Bottle ?

Parents should sterilize the bottle every time they feed their baby so that there is no chance for any germs to grow. Wash your hands thoroughly first, then wash the bottle sterilizer for baby thoroughly by putting them in hot and soapy water, then allow them to air dry. There is a difference between cleaning children’s equipment and sterilizing them. Washing bottles with just plain water is cleaning, while cleaning those bottles with hot and soapy water is sterilization. Sterilizing children’s equipment prevents infection.

The bottle should be sterilized after each feeding. If your baby is not able to drink full milk within 2 hours, then throw away the infant milk or formula. If breastmilk or formula is poured into a pre-used bottle or the bottles are simply washed, not cleaned, the chances of spreading the infection are high.

Bottle Sterilizer For Baby

If your baby is born prematurely, is younger than 3 months or has any kind of disease since childhood, then bottle sterilizer for baby is very important. If your baby is on formula, it is important to sterilize the feeding scoop that comes with it frequently. You can sterilize it along with the rest of the equipment. For some older and completely healthy babies, sterilization after each feeding is not necessary as long as all their equipment is thoroughly cleaned. 

Before Sterilization you need to –

  • Clean bottles with warm soapy water each time immediately after feeding.
  • Use a clean bottle brush to clean the bottles (this brush should only be used for bottles). You can use a small teat brush to clean the teats. These teats can also be turned inside out so that they can be cleaned well. But keep in mind that do not wash teats with salt, it can be harmful for your baby.
  • You can put the baby feeding equipment in the dishwasher if it feels right and you want. Keep in mind that the dishwasher will clean them but not sterilize them. Make sure the bottles, lids and nipples are facing down, you can even wash the teats separately to make sure they are clean.
  • Before sterilization, wash all equipment in clean, running and cold water.

The common methods of bottle sterilizer for baby, are – 

  • Cold Water Method – You can use cold water to sterilize a bottle by adding a specific type of sterilizing capsule to it. These capsules are only for one time use, not reusable, so if you are using them then you will have to buy them in bulk.
  • Boiling – Some parents like to sterilize their children’s bottles by boiling them but for that first make sure that the bottles are BPA free. To sterilize bottles, use a large vessel used for the bottles only. Take enough water that the bottles and nipples are well immersed in it. And also boil the lid for at least 10 minutes. Do not open the lid until you want to use them. 
Fisher-Price Steam Max 6 Bottle SterilizerCheck Out On Amazon
Baybee 5 in 1 Baby Bottle Warmer & Sterilizer Check Out On Amazon
LuvLap Royal Electric Steam Sterilizer Check Out On Amazon
Trumom USA Electric Steam Sterilizer Check Out On Amazon
LuvLap Elegant 4-in-1 Electric Steam SterilizerCheck Out On Amazon

When to stop sterilizing baby bottles

It is very important to sterilize all feeding equipment until the baby is about 12 months old. Children are very quickly exposed to the germs of diarrhea and vomiting. These germs are most developed in milk. Sterilization is the best way to prevent these germs from growing in the corners of bottles and nipples where there is little milk.

Bottle Sterilizer For Baby

When your baby turns 6 months old and starts taking some solid food, try feeding it in a cup or sipper. Drinking milk from a cup will also prove beneficial for the baby’s teeth as compared to a bottle. It is also not necessary to sterilize them as they can be cleaned quite well. You can stop sterilization completely only when your baby is 12 months old and stops drinking bottle milk completely. Unlike milk, bacteria do not grow in solid food. However, you should still wash all your child’s cups, spoons, bowls and plates with clean, warm and soapy water so that there is no scope for any kind of germs. If your child is younger than 12 months, you can still choose to sterilize all these devices from time to time.

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