Bathing Basics For Your Little One

Bathing Basics For Your Little One

Do you also find it difficult to figure out how to bathe your little one? Here are some tips for bathing basics for your little one that will make you a master of this art.

Are you too scared to bathe your baby? Because your baby becomes slippery while bathing, this is a difficult task, but once you learn it well, then you will never have any problem for life. So let’s take a step to make your life easier by learning bathing basics for your little one.

How frequently does my little one need a bath? 

It is not necessary to bathe your little champ every day. Bathing him 3 to 4 times a week would be appropriate and sufficient. Due to excessive bathing, the skin of the baby becomes dry. 

If you are paying attention to timely diaper changes and burp cloth, you are already properly cleaning the areas that need more cleaning, such as the diaper area, face, armpits and neck. You may also notice your baby’s skin folds in between baths, including the chin, thighs and groin. If necessary, these areas can also be cleaned with a wet washcloth.

What is the best time to bathe my little one – morning or night?

Skip all the fuss and guesswork, focus on bathing basics for your little one and see for yourself which time is more appropriate. Choose a time when you are neither in a hurry nor should anyone interrupt you during that time. Some parents find morning time more appropriate because then their child is more active. And some consider bathing as a ritual that helps the baby sleep soundly. Do not think of bathing the baby right after feeding, first let his stomach settle down a bit, then give him a bath.

Will a sponge bath do a good job?

Most doctors recommend a sponge bath until the umbilical cord stump falls off and this can take one to two weeks. These points will help you in giving a sponge bath to your baby –

  • Flat surfaces and hot spots

For this, a bathroom or kitchen counter or a firm bed would be best. If you lay a blanket or towel on the floor, that would also be appropriate. The surface can be padded with these blankets and towels.

  • A soft blanket, towel and pad

Spread it well for your baby to lie down on.

  • One hand formula

Keep one hand free and always hold the baby well with one hand. Always use a safety strap on your changing table.

  • A sink or basin to hold the water

Pour hot water into the basin or sink, but not too hot. Before bathing the baby, first check the temperature of this water with your hand so that the baby does not have any problem later.

  • Essential stock

Get a washcloth and a towel, if possible choose a towel with a hood attached. Baby shampoos and soaps that do not smell of any kind. Also include their wipes and diapers and lots of clothes.

Bathing Basics For Your Little One

First of all, by keeping bathing basics for your little one in mind, take off your baby’s clothes and wrap it in a towel. Lay him on her back in an area previously prepared for his bath. Don’t remove the entire towel from his body at once, just remove the towel from the area you’re washing. Dip your washcloth in plain and warm water, squeezing out the excess water and wipe his face. Take special care of the eyelashes, wipe them thoroughly from inside to outside.

Now it comes to cleaning your baby’s body, for that use a cloth soaked in plain or soapy water. Never choose a soap that is harsh and dries out the skin. Pay special attention to behind the ears, under the arms, around the neck, and diaper areas. And do not forget to clean thoroughly between the fingers of the hands and feet.

How to know the best baby tub ?

Moving forward in bathing basics for your little one, now your baby is ready to take a bath, so now all you need is a sink or a cute plastic tub. Line a clean towel over this sink or tub. If you need some important things like a mug or shampoo for a sponge bath, bring them in advance. Take special care not to leave your child alone in the water even for a moment.

  • How much water should I put in tub?

Generally this measurement is 2 inches i.e. about 5 centimeters. While bathing, keep your full attention on your baby and your way of holding it will make him feel safe. If you have forgotten any bathing item for your baby, then take him with you while you go to get it. There should be no option to leave the child alone in the tub.

  • Can we talk about water temperature now?

Well of course we can! Indubitably, warm water is the forever best form. Do not make the water temperature too high so that the skin of the child does not get burnt. Like we’ve talked about earlier in this bathing basics for your little one, always test your hand in hot water before bathing your baby. Keep this water around 100 F (38 C). Make sure that the environment where you are bathing the baby should also be warm. Because a wet baby can get cold very quickly.

  • How to hold my newborn in the tub? 

A secure and firm grip will make your baby feel comfortable in that tub. Use your dominant hand to handle and guide the baby underwater and use your non-dominant hand to hold the baby on its neck and support him. Keep supporting your baby’s back and head accordingly. Make sure that you don’t get too engrossed in giving your baby a bath, that you forget his spontaneity.

Bathing Basics For Your Little One

What to wash first ?

If you follow our bathing basics for your little one and most parents, then bathing should start with the head and face and then move on to the more dirty parts of the body. This will prevent the soap from reappearing in the parts you’ve washed before.

  • Should I wash my newborn’s hair ?

If your child has hair and you think they need to be washed, what else to ask? Take a step. Apply shampoo to the baby’s hair with your free hand and massage gently. While you are washing off this shampoo, place your hand on the baby’s forehead so that it does not get in his eyes. By the way, nowadays special caps have also been made for this, which can be kept on the forehead to prevent shampoo from getting into the eyes.

  • Is lotion necessary after bathing?

By the way, most newborn babies do not need lotion. But still, if your baby’s skin is feeling too dry to you, then apply an odorless lotion or moisturizer only on the dry areas. Massage while applying them because children like massage very much. If there is still a lot of dryness in the skin, then you are bathing your baby excessively. please reduce it.

Final Thoughts On Bathing Basics For Your Little One

Now you know to a great extent the bathing basics for your little one. Now if some points are left then you will learn them by practicing. Go your own way, play your tricks and bathe your baby at your convenience.

Go and give your kids a wonderful bath dear parents!

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